Over the past several years, we at LGA Architecture have focused on the design of experiences for our clients and their patrons. We developed new processes and protocols to ensure that the appropriate experiences are created. We have also hosted several experience designers to discuss the creative process through our Fireside Chat series including the author of The Experience Economy, B. Joseph Pine II. https://lgaarchitecture.com/webinars/
Why have we spent this amount of time on this topic? Because it matters. Experience matters to people. Experiences engage our emotions and create important connections between people and place, much stronger than just products and services can do. We pick how we spend our time based on the experience and as we move to a post-COVID world, it is these experiences that will be the difference. Following are some reasons:
Experiences Activate our Emotions
Emotions drive us. They engage our brains and in turn influence our behaviors. Paying attention to the design of experiences and activating the appropriate emotions make the experiences unforgettable. When we make experiences unforgettable, we create memories which we cherish forever. Look no further than the Instagram moments and where selfies are taken to find the points of high experience and engagement.
When I was cleaning out my mom’s house a few years ago, I was astounded at the photos that I found. There was a picture taken from every year of our family at Red Rock canyon here in Las Vegas. This was a place my family returned to often and I’m sure the emotional experience we had in nature was the reason.
Experiences Create Unique Economic Value
There are many stories about how companies who provide goods and services have increased their offerings by providing an exceptional experience on top of those goods and services. Build a Bear and Rain Forest Cafe come to mind. We have a new avenue here in Las Vegas called Area 15 that is all about the experience. As we move beyond the recent pandemic, I do not expect that we will flock back to retail or other venues that do not provide a great experience. It’s just too easy to buy goods online. If you want me to come to your venue, then the experience better be worth it. And if it is, then you won’t need to negotiate the price with me.
Memories Grow Your Brand
Think of the greatest experience that you have ever had. The ones that engaged you so fully that your mind and heart is full of great memories. Now, think of your impression of the organization that staged that experience. I bet your perspective of the organization is also good. A great experience drives this perspective and also drives a desire for return engagement. In addition, these great experiences create a strong organizational connection—the brand is strong in the mind of the consumer. This strong brand connection results in referral, engaged volunteers, and a strong member and donor base.
Experiences do matter, Let us know how we can help you create a great experience for your customers and patrons.

Craig S. Galati is a Principal and Shareholder of LGA. His strength lies in helping his team create memorable experiences through design. Through his passion for workshop facilitation and public outreach, Craig has provided invaluable clarity and direction to multiple public and private organizations. Craig is an accomplished speaker and has worked with many organizations on leadership and strategy.