“ … their enthusiasm and support personally and professionally was a big difference for us.”
“They’re able to handle quite complex projects too that some others aren’t. But one of the things that I think about with them is they spend a lot of time upfront on a project. They’re not just waiting until wrecking crews start and slap it together.”
“One thing that stands out about LGA is communication. If I have a question, they will always answer the phone. I don’t care where he is or what’s going on. I’ve always been impressed with that. They obviously have my interests at heart.”
“They are engaged, constantly in communication with me and my team. Emails, phone calls, even at night. They are extremely responsive. They’ll come down and meet with me in my office, if I need. I think they’re just wonderful.”
“…they have a comfortableness of challenging each other’s thoughts, so we get the best product at the very end. I don’t want everyone to just agree no matter what.”
“Their personal interaction with us as people was very helpful. So just their personal friendliness, their personal engagement made a big difference for me.”

“…honestly, it was the team’s excitement. You could tell that this was a project that they were excited to be working on, and really wanted to do. It was palpable.”
“…there was just this level of ‘Wow, this looks like a really cool project. We think we can hit this out of the park. We think we’re going to have a lot of fun doing this. We’re going to love working on this project.’ And that makes it easy to select someone.”
“They want to see this project succeed. And it’s clear not just in the way they act, but also in their words and how they deliver. It shows that they’re personally invested in this; it’s not just another job.”
“There is a depth of spirituality in each one of them that is sensitive and caring.”
“LGA has a unique view towards the land and architecture; they have a spiritual element to them. They incorporated the spirituality of the Catholic school in the building. It wasn’t just a concept. They were able to be specific. And LGA, I think, is really connected to the land as something sacred.”
“I think also the context of the building and how it relates to what sort of neighbor it is to the other buildings that are in the surrounding neighborhood, both residential and commercial, there’s a reaching of how to be a good partner.”
“We were looking for a partner who…would help us understand when we needed to sprint, what we needed to stick with, the areas where we could get the most impact from the limited time that our organization was going to be able to commit to it. But the biggest thing we were looking for was a true partner in how to really make this vision a reality.”
“It’s a great firm. I love talking about good architectural firms. And, as I retire, it’s just a pleasure to be able to say something really strong and positive about a firm that I think is one of the top firms in Nevada now.”