Achieving Our Vision: A Mid-Year Update on LGA’s Goals

June 14, 2024

Our entire team has a tradition of gathering once a year at an offsite retreat. We use this time to connect better as an organization and brainstorm on how we can further embody our organization’s values of thoughtful design, cultural and social connection, and environmental stewardship. In other words, LGA believes in a philosophy of Work, Draw, and Live Together. Often, the outcome of our retreat results in strategic goals that move us closer to our vision of being a diverse, equitable, nationally recognized firm that is the ‘go-to’ for solving sustainable challenges tied to the culture of those who live and work in the communities we serve.

Setting goals is a crucial step for any organization, but achieving them requires dedication and ongoing communication. At LGA, we recognize the importance of not just setting ambitious goals but also regularly discussing and reporting on our progress. This mid-year progress report highlights our commitment to these objectives and the strides we have made so far.

Environmental Goals: “Live Together”

Goal 1: Achieving a 60% Reduction in Energy Use Compared to the 2003 CBECS Baseline

As proud signatories of the AIA 2030 Commitment, we established this goal to significantly reduce our projects’ energy use, moving us closer to a carbon-neutral future. Using, we model each project’s predicted energy use and assess performance at the Schematic Design, Design Development, and Construction Documents phases.

In March, we reported our progress to the AIA 2030 Design Data Exchange (DDx). This platform allows AEC professionals to benchmark their projects against industry standards and track performance. We reported on seven projects, achieving an impressive net predicted energy use reduction (pEUI) of 65.83%, surpassing our internal goals. However, we remain focused on meeting the AIA 2030 Commitment benchmark of 80% pEUI.

A notable achievement is the Valley of Fire Visitor Center, which is striving for net-zero energy use—a significant milestone for our firm.

We have fully integrated cove.tool into our design process, leveraging its AI-powered advanced analytics to fast-track decarbonization and enhance project performance. Additionally, we collaborate with consultants for further energy modeling to ensure even greater energy reductions.

Goal 2: Specifying Red-List Free Materials and Establishing a Comprehensive Material Database

We are committed to consistently specifying Red-List free materials and have developed a comprehensive database to support this initiative. This database ensures the continued use of environmentally friendly materials while phasing out those that do not meet our standards. By integrating our database with those of other reputable environmental groups, we further solidify our commitment to sustainability.

Over the first few months of the year, we explored various options for developing a collaborative database. We chose Sustainable Minds software, which allows us to contribute and collaborate with other committed users. This system is now being organized in conjunction with our internal environmental checklist.

Public and Stakeholder Engagement Goals: “Draw Together”

Goal 1: Formulating a Stakeholder Engagement Plan for All Projects

Community and stakeholder engagement has always been integral to LGA’s work. However, not all clients have been willing to involve the community in project design. This year, we successfully conducted community outreach for two significant projects:

    1. Legal Aid Center’s Advocacy and Justice Center: We held a neighborhood meeting to present the design and gather input from local residents.
    2. Boulder City Railroad Museum Master Plan: We organized two community meetings—one to discuss program needs for the museum and linear park, and another to present initial designs.

We now consider stakeholder engagement a prerequisite for taking on new projects, ensuring collaboration with the actual using agency on the design.

Goal 2: Developing a Robust Public Engagement Strategy for Public Projects

We are still working towards this goal, but its establishment has already sparked valuable discussions within our office. We are experimenting with various methods and times for public meetings, continuously refining our approach to find the most effective strategies.


Staying focused on achieving goals is challenging for any organization, but regular check-ins and progress presentations have proven key for us. While our process is not perfect, it is delivering significant results for our team, clients, and community. At LGA, we are committed to our goals and will continue to strive for excellence in wellness, sustainability, and stakeholder engagement.